Saturday, 27 June 2020

Biology 11:Minerals and nutrition in plants class 11

Q1. The mineral Linked with Redox reaction is Copper and iron

Q2. sulphur is constituent of amino acid cysteine cysteine and methionine

Q3. both ferredoxin and cytochrome contain iron 

Q4.premature leaf fall is due to deficiency of phosphorus

Q5. chlorosis occurs due to deficiency of Nitrogen potassium magnesium zinc molybdenum iron Manganese

Q6. the techniques of hydroponics was first demonstrated by Julius Von Sachs

Q7. the techniques of hydroponics is being employed for the commercial production of vegetables like tomato cucumber and lettuce 

Q8.non metal elements are carbon hydrogen and oxygen 

Q9.Yellow colour appears in leaves is due to deficiency of potassium

Q10. cofactor of nitrate reductase is molybdenum 

Q11.necrosis occurs due to deficiency of calcium deficiency

Q12. symptoms of Nitrogen and potassium are visible first in sescent leaves

Q13. forms of iron absorbed by plant are iron III

Q14. essential for growth of root tip is calcium

Q15. for action nitrogenase require high input of energy 

Q16.mangnees is essential for photo lysis of water 

Q17.calcium is immobile elements

Q18. playing important role in nitrogen fixation is molybdenum

Q19. grey spot of oat are caused by deficiency of zinc

Q20. NAA hormone prevents The Fall of fruit 

Q21.cytochrome is a iron containing porphyrin pigment

Q22. Boron in green plant helps in sugar transport

Q23. symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacterias are rhizobium , nitrosomonas

Q24. non symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria are azotobacter

Q25. more than 60 elements are found in different plants 

Q26.micro nutrients are present in plant tissue in concentration less than 10 m mole / kg of dry matter

Q27. Monovalent ion increases membrane permeability while divalent Ion decreases the same 

Q28.Phosphorus is a structural element of cell membrane protein and nucleic acid 

Q29.for chlorophyll synthesis iron and magnesium is required 

Q30.magnesium helps to maintain ribosome structure

Q31. calcium is needed during the formation of mitotic spindle

Q32. there are 17 Essential elements 

Q33.major function of trace element is to act as cofactor of enzyme

Q34. constituent of coenzymes a is Sulphur 

Q35.zinc helps in biosynthesis of auxin 

Q36.alcohol dehydrogenase present in liver is activated by zinc 

Q37.components of nitrogenase and nitrate reductase is molybdenum 

Q38.elements involved in metabolism of Urea is Nickel 

Q39.Boron takes part in bulk flow hypothesis

Q40. micronutrients required for mitochondrial and photosynthetic electron transport is Copper and iron 

Q41Boron helps in germination of pollen grains 

Q42.sulphur is also constituents of  ferredoxin

Q43. depth of leaf tissue in plant is caused by deficiency of calcium and magnesium 

Q44.deficiency of N,K,S can cause inhibition of cell division in plant .

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